Monday, March 23, 2009

NABA Spring Training Experience - Day 4: The Championship

We won the Championship!!!
Not only did we win, but we blew the Diamondbacks away 21-1! Our pitcher was on fire, smoking fastballs and curves right by the batters. I played the entire game at second base, making some good outs including the final out of the game. I went 1 for 3 with a single, two ground outs, 2 RBIs, and 2 walks.

The other team was kind of cocky so I'm glad we clobbered them. Overall this was a great tournament and I couldn't have asked for a better team to play my first men's tournament with.

I really enjoy playing with guys. They're competitive and they play hard which is how I like to play. Watching my teammates hit out-of-the-park home runs from the dugout was awesome! Each day they went further and further!

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to hit the faster pitching, but I did fine. I found out that I actually do better against faster pitching. I was also worried that I'd get clobbered on the mound, but the other team barely hit me.

I mixed up the speeds a lot to throw them off balance and mentally wore them down. I noticed that very few pitchers at the tournament mixed up speeds very much. This surprised me. I guess guys tend to rely on brute strength. This was a good lesson for me to learn - faster is not necessarily better. The mental aspect and the combination of pitches is just as important, if not more-so. I've been told this many times before and always wanted to believe it were true. I needed to experience it first hand, and now that I have, I have more confidence moving forward.

Me with the team MVP and star pitcher

My catcher! The guy's a rock! He caught all 4 games and nailed a bunch of runners at second and third.

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